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Salt and Light Merch: Lost in the Design, Found in the Laughs

Salt and Light Merch: Lost in the Design, Found in the Laughs

Some days, I feel like I’m just hanging on. From the moment I sit down to work, life seems to spiral in a million directions. I start my day ready to tackle everything, but somehow, by the time I’m a few sips into my coffee, I’m lost in my own head, dreaming up new t-shirt designs. Hours slip by, and I snap out of it only to find the laundry hasn’t moved, my emails are piling up, and my to-do list looks just as long as when I started.

On days like these, I can’t help but think that God has a sense of humor. Here I am, completely tangled up in my own thoughts, obsessing over every detail in a design, only to realize I’ve forgotten what I meant to do in the first place. I picture God up there smiling, maybe even chuckling, as He watches me get a little too caught up in the small stuff.

But there’s beauty in these messy, unplanned moments. Somewhere between the half-finished designs and the forgotten errands, I’m learning to laugh at myself and let go of the need to have it all figured out. I imagine God nodding as if to say, “See? It doesn’t all need to be perfect. Just show up as you are.”

So, on those days when I feel like I’m losing it—stuck in my head, hyper-focused on one design idea after another—I take a step back, laugh, and embrace the chaos. I know God’s got this, even when I don’t. And maybe, just maybe, He’s using each little mishap to teach me to enjoy the process, embrace my quirks, and find joy in the creative mess of it all.


#christianblog #chaos #godisincontrol #saltandlightmerch

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